What's in a hero ? I am not trying to give you people a feeling of shakesperean nostalgy, not at all, I just thought that would be good as an opening phrase which would of course be followed by a couple of introductory phrases, which are actually good fillers but don't mean a thing.
Nevertheless, I rephrase, alter and ask my question: " What's a hero ? ". Most people think of a hero as a person who can do things he or she can't or even things he or she can't do quite as well. Football players, musicians, politicians or models, heroes come in all shapes and forms, but mostly have one thing in common, they're famous. So, do people have a pathological urge for fame or is that just an irrationally drawn conclusion?
And What's in fame ? What we sometimes tend to forget is that all people are equal, no one is better than another and noone means less either. Now, you can gain or lose sympathy as well as admiration and satisfaction in what you do but is that really the reason to admire fame? I do believe that every single one among us has got something he or she is really good at. The difference however is that some abilities attract media, others might be of other relevance and even others will never be discovered. More than half the people never discover their "specific ability " and therefore continue their lives admiring others, which in fact is quite foolish and naive.
Nevertheless, I rephrase, alter and ask my question: " What's a hero ? ". Most people think of a hero as a person who can do things he or she can't or even things he or she can't do quite as well. Football players, musicians, politicians or models, heroes come in all shapes and forms, but mostly have one thing in common, they're famous. So, do people have a pathological urge for fame or is that just an irrationally drawn conclusion?
And What's in fame ? What we sometimes tend to forget is that all people are equal, no one is better than another and noone means less either. Now, you can gain or lose sympathy as well as admiration and satisfaction in what you do but is that really the reason to admire fame? I do believe that every single one among us has got something he or she is really good at. The difference however is that some abilities attract media, others might be of other relevance and even others will never be discovered. More than half the people never discover their "specific ability " and therefore continue their lives admiring others, which in fact is quite foolish and naive.
Nonetheless my great disregards towards fame I will never contend plain admiration to be wrong or foolish, no, I even admit that for some people, it is good to have a role model, someone to look up to. The only thing you should really keep in mind is to pursue your own dreams and be sure you do not get stuck in other people's lives, cause you'll always do things differently, whether you want it or not.
It is a good thing to try as much as possible in life, only by doing that you might have a chance of discovering the things you are really good at. Life is a sick cycle carousel, try to get out of it every once and a while.
It is a good thing to try as much as possible in life, only by doing that you might have a chance of discovering the things you are really good at. Life is a sick cycle carousel, try to get out of it every once and a while.
Goed stuk. Een nieuwe tendens in de stukken ontgaat mij niet. Mooie attitude.
My kind of hero: bearded guys with long hair that play guitar in bands that are awesome and have a badass attitude.
Other than that: people who persue what they believe in and don't give up, no matter the cost.
laten we allen hopen dat de 'fame' deze artiest niet zal doden.Deze blog is duidelijk door een eigenzinnig persoon geschreven, de ikweethetbeter-attitude is alom bekend en regelmatig toegepast. Deze jongeman controleerd dit kenmerk zoals ik het weinig anderen heb zien doen. Hoewel je ook wel een angst leest, personen die veel werken met de 'wij-vorm'willen het onderwerp niet naar zich zelf toetrekken, waardoor er altijd een zekere afstand ontstaat tussen de lezer en de schrijver.
Dat was mijn comment en laat de inhoud van deze even indringend zijn als de blog zelf.
kus M.
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