Monday, 7 January 2008

How I'd love to fly away

Legend has it that these student-years are and always will be the best of your life. I am not going to deny the fact that it might just be that way, but still... Yeah you guessed it right, it's that time of year again. The strangest thing about these times of examinations is that I am honestly really fond of and moreover really interested in what I am to study but still it is so hard to remain motivated.

It's during these times that I would just like to fly away, run away, ride away, drive away, doesn't matter how, doesn't matter where to, just far, far away. In our contemporary society, people are just too afraid to be impulsive. Impulsivity has vanished, it just isn't ethically accepted if someone does something that he/she hasn't planned way in advance. Oh, I just hate this lame unadventurous mentality. When it comes to impulsivity our ancestors were way better off than we are right now. They didn't think about these kind of things, they just did it.

So, let's put on our Nike-shoes and let us" just do it ", no more worries, no more obligations.


Liesbeth said...

How I just LOVE this post :) for real
you did a nice job, Koen :)

Anonymous said...

Like Liesbeth said, 'you did a nice job, Koen'! Very nicely put and I completely agree. But I think it is because of this society that I myself am not that impulsice, although I would like to be. If just more people like you would be around and if someone would take me with him/her on this 'impulsive' adventure, then maybe I would be able to 'fly away' more often myself. Completely understand where you're coming from, with the examinations and stuff, but you'll do great babe, I'm sure! :) Too bad I will have to miss you for such a long time though.. :)

Anonymous said...

Nicely put, buddy :)
My only desire is to also engage on such an impulsive way of life !

Wappy said...

You say some interesting things. But I do think there are still a lot of impulsive people in society. It depends on how you define impulsivity. It doesn't have to be complicated. Just start walking in a city until your getting lost. There you have your adventure, just kidding.
I remember a day when my parents suddenly were talking about Germany. 3 hours later we were standing in some big German city. So, nothing is impossible.
Dream big and expect the unexpected!
(Sorry, for my bad English :p)

Anonymous said...

So, let's fly... ;)

Anonymous said...

Being aware of the cage that you live in, gets you alot further than trying to escape from it while you don't know its even there.
The cage has always been there; for everyone.. impulsivity is just bending the bars.
Bend them wide enough, and you might even escape.
Once you are outside, you realise that the cage is where you grew up in, and that it is the only place you know.. so you return to your cage and bend the bars in the way they used to be..
Back in there place, you again feel anxious to bend them..
Rewind, repeat..

Anonymous said...

Your writing just gave me goosebumps, extraordinary !
And you're so right ; these are the days , we're still young , the world ahead of us...

Maybe I'll see you around in
antwerp some time...