Saturday, 6 December 2008

Fooling everyone

It is quite odd, but if you think about it, you could actually live your whole life fooling everyone. Fascinating isn't it. Don't you just love fooling everyone? At any time, you can be the only person who truly knows who you really are. Make them believe that they do know you, and they just might to some extent, but keep some open space for gullibility. The latter might even come in handy some day. You can really achieve things you could not imagine in your naughtiest dreams, and this by just relying on other people's naiveté.

I realise that I do not at all sound benevolent saying this, but isn't it partly my job to show you that there are more pleasant ways to live your life than ordinary till death?

Everyone is always babbling about the cost of living these days. Broaden your minds people, everything is free, if you want it to be. In these times of misery we have got to rely on our fantasy, let our dreams take us to places we could scarcely imagine. Just believe. Believe in what you will never get and in what will never happen, picture it, and float away on your very own fantasies.